Publications & Reports

Jezreel Valley
Regional Project
Jezreel Valley Regional Project Studies is a monograph series published by Lockwood Press {}. The objective of the series is to be a venue for the publication of the extensive new primary and synthetic data, including archaeological reports, environmental studies, and historical analyses.
In Progress:
M.J. Adams, M.E. Cohen, and A. Greener (eds.),
Tel Megiddo East 1: The 2010-2013 Seasons (Jezreel Valley Regional Project Studies; Lockwood Press; in preparation).
E.C.M. van den Brink and M.J. Adams, (eds./authors),
Salvage Excavations at Tel Qashish, (Jezreel Valley Regional Project Studies Monograph Series; Lockwood Press, in preparation).
Print Publications
Adams, M.J., M. Cradic, Y. Farhi, M. Peers, and Y. Tepper,
“A Betyl with a Decorated Base from the Principia of the Roman VIth Ferrata Legionary Base, Legio, Israel,” Israel Museum Studies in Archaeology (in press, 2019).
R. Homsher, M.J. Adams, A. Prins, R. Gardner-Cook, and Y. Tepper,
“New Directions with Digital Archaeology and Spatial Analysis in the Jezreel Valley,” Journal of Landscape Ecology 10.3 (2017): 154-164.
[link for the title:
Y. Tepper, J. David, and M.J. Adams,
“Excavations at the Camp of the Roman Sixth Ferrata Legion at Legio (el-Lajjun), Israel. A Preliminary Report of the 2013 season,” Strata: The Bulletin of the Anglo-Israel Archaeological Society 34 (2017) 87-120.
R.S. Homsher, B. L. Drake, Y. Tepper, M. J. Adams, and J. K. David,
“From the Bronze Age to the ‘Lead Age’. Observations on Sediment Analyses at Two Archaeological Sites in the Jezreel Valley, Israel: the Roman Camp at Legio and the Early Bronze Age Village at Tel Megiddo East,” Mediterranean Archaeology & Archaeometry 16.1 (2016) 187-204.
[link for title: DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.35533
Prins, A.B., M.J. Adams, R.S. Homsher, M. Ashley 2014,
"Digital Archaeological Fieldwork and the Jezreel Valley Regional Project, Israel," Near Eastern Archaeology 77 (3) 192-197.
Adams, M.J., J. David, R.S. Homsher, M.E. Cohen 2014,
"The Rise of a Complex Society: New Evidence from Tel Megiddo East in the Late Fourth Millennium," Near Eastern Archaeology 77 (1) 32-43.
DOI: 10.5615/neareastarch.77.1.0032.
Pincus, J.T., DeSmet, Y., Tepper, M.J., Adams 2013,
“Ground Penetrating Radar and Electromagnetic Archaeogeophysical Investigations at the Roman Legionary Camp at Legio, Israel,” Archaeological Prospection 20: 175–188.
JVRPS 1: Salvage Excavations at Tel Qashish (Tell Qasis) and Tell el-Wa‘Er
Edited by Edwin C. M. van den Brink and Matthew J. Adams.
Lockwood Press, 2023. ISBN: 978-1-948488-65-5.
This volume brings together the final reports of salvage excavations carried out in the vicinity of Tel Qashish in the northern Jezreel Valley, Israel, from 2010 to 2013. These include the Middle and Epipaleolithic flint workshops at Tel Qashish West and Tel Qashish South, the early Early Bronze Age I settlement at Tell el-Wa‘er, the late Early Bronze Age I features and the Late Bronze Age II cultic repository at Tel Qashish, as well as some early Roman remains. Twenty-nine chapters by twenty-five authors present the context, stratigraphy, finds, and analyses of these four major aspects of the excavations.
JVRPS 2: Ein el-Jarba
Edited by Katharina Streit
In Preparation
JVRPS 3: ‘Ein el-Hilu Excavations at a Bronze and Iron Age Site in the Jezreel Valley
Edited by Karen Covello-Paran
In Preparation
JVRPS 4: Castra Legionis VI Ferrata 1: The 2010–2023 Seasons
Edited by Yotam Tepper and Matthew J. Adams
In Preparation
JVRPS 5: The Iron Age in the Jezreel Valley
By Eran Arie
In Preparation
E. Stern, A. Shapiro, M.J. Adams, Y. Tepper, N. Marom, and I. Ktalav, “Domestic Waste as a Window into Crusader-Period Le Lyon (Kibbutz Megiddo / Lajjun, Israel): Insights from a Household Midden and its Ceramic Assemblage,” Bulletin of ASOR 391 (electronic 2023; print 2024). 1–29.
R. Marom, Y. Tepper, and M.J. Adams, “Al-Lajjun: A Socio-ethnographic Account of a Palestinian Village during the British Mandate Period,” British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies (in press, 2023).
Y. Tepper, M.J. Adams, and E. Ernenwein, “The Principia of the VIth Legion at Legio,” ‘Atiqot 111 (2023).
A. Kleiman, E. Hall, R. Kalisher, Z.C. Duneth, L. Sapir-Hen, M.J. Adams, I. Finkelstein, “Crisis in Motion: The Final Days of Iron Age I Megiddo,” Levant (2023): 1–29.
A. Amir, R. Kalisher, M.S. Cradic, M.J. Adams, M.A.S. Martin, R. Neumann, Y. Gadot, and I. Finkelstein, “Burial Offerings in Intramural Tombs at Middle Bronze Age Megiddo,” Archaeometry (2023).
R. Marom, Y. Tepper, and M.J. Adams, “Al-Lajjun: Forgotten Provincial Capital in Ottoman Palestine,” Levant 55.2 (2023): 218–241.
M.J. Adams, “The Three Temples in antis at Megiddo,” Journal of Ancient Egyptian Interconnections 37 (2023): 17–38.
R. Kalisher, M.S. Cradic, M.J. Adams, M.A.S. Martin, I. Finkelstein, “Cranial trephination and infectious disease in the Eastern Mediterranean: The evidence from two elite brothers from Late Bronze Megiddo, Israel,” PLOS One (22 Feb, 2023).
R. Shaar, Y. Gallet, Y. Vaknin, L. Gonen, M.A.S. Martin, M.J. Adams, I. Finkelstein, “Archaeomagnetism in the Levant and Mesopotamia Reveals the Largest Changes in the Earth’s Geomagnetic Field,” Journal of Geophysical Research – Solid Earth (2022): 1–16. Special selection for Editors Highlight:
S.J. Price, M.J. Adams, Y. Tepper, “Lifeways and Settlement Choices at Tell Abu Shusha, Israel: An Integrated Spatial Approach to Survey Archaeology,” Archaeological Prospection (2022): 1–15.
M. Fischer, M.J. Adams, N.L. Ben Ami, and Y. Tepper, “A Fragmentary Sculpture of Victoria from the Legionary Base at Legio,” Israel Exploration Journal 72.2 (2022): 238–254.
L. Sapir-Hen, D.N. Fulton, M.J. Adams, and I. Finkelstein, “Temple and the Town at Early Bronze Age I Megiddo: Faunal Evidence for the Emergence of Complexity” Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 387 (2022): 1–14.
I. Finkelstein and M.J. Adams, “The Megiddo Gates: Outdated Views Versus New Data,” Tel Aviv 48.2 (2021): 208–212.
Y. Tepper, W. Eck, G. Leyfirer, and M.J. Adams, “A Roman Military Funerary Inscription from Legio, Israel,” Tel Aviv 48.2 (2021): 248–266.
A. Greener and M.J. Adams, “A Rich Early Bronze Age I Ground-stone Assemblage from Tel Megiddo East, Israel,” in M.J. Adams and V. Roux (eds)., Transitions during the Early Bronze Age in the Levant, (Ägypten und Altes Testament, 109; Münster: Zaphon, 2022): 143–167.
JVRP White Papers in Archaeological Technology (WPAT)
A.B. Prins,
"3D Modeling for Archaeological Documentation using the JVRP Method to record archaeological excavations with millimeter-accuracy," JVRP White Papers in Archaeological Technology, Jezreel Valley Regional Project website. Version 3.0: September 2016. DOWNLOAD
A.B. Prins and M.J. Adams,
"Practical Uses for Photogrammetry on Archaeological Excavations," JVRP White Papers in Archaeological Technology, Jezreel Valley Regional Project website. Version 1.0: 17 January 2013.
Reprinted on BAS Archaeological Technology website
JVRP Online
Publication Series
Adams, Matthew J., Jonathan David, and Yotam Tepper,
“Legio: Excavations at the Camp of the Roman Sixth Ferrata Legion in Israel,” Biblical Archaeology Society, Bible History Daily website. 17 October 2013.
In Progress:
Adams, Matthew J.,
"A Brief Note on the Architectural Setting of the Great Temple of Megiddo."
Y. Tepper , J. David, and M.J. Adams, “The Legionary Base of the Roman Sixth Ferrata Legion at Legio, Israel,” Popular Archaeology Magazine 18, Spring 2015.
Papers Presented at Conferences
M.J. Adams,
“Archaeology of the Sacred at Early Bronze Age Megiddo,“ Israel Antiquities Authority Annual Seminar, Mar, 2019.
M.J. Adams,
“The Galilee and the Jezreel Valley at the Interface of the Northern and Southern Levant in the Third Millennium BCE,” Galilean Particularism, AIA Annual Conference, San Diego, Jan, 2019.
M.J. Adams,
“Thutmose III’s Battle of Megiddo: History, Chronology, and the Landscape of Movement,” Movement and Mobility between Egypt and the Levant in the Second Millennium BC, ICAANE Annual Conference, Munich, April, 2018.
M.J. Adams,
“The Jezreel Valley Regional Project Excavations in the Early Bronze Age I,” École Biblique ed Archéologique Seminar, Dec, 2017.
M.J. Adams,
“The Jezreel Valley Regional Project Surveys and Excavations in the Valley,” Megiddo Regional Council Research Conference, Dec, 2017.
M.J. Adams,
“The 2017 JVRP Excavations of the Castra of the Roman VIth Ferrata Legion (Legio, Israel)” (Y. Tepper and M.J. Adams) ASOR Annual Conference, Nov, 2017.
A. Greener, M.J. Adams, R.S. Homsher,
“A Rich Early Bronze Age I Ground-stone Assemblage from Tel Megiddo East, Israel,” Ground Stone Artifacts and Society Annual Conference, Mainz, Sept 2017.
M.J. Adams and R.S. Homsher,
“New Directions with Digital Archaeology and Spatial Analysis in the Jezreel Valley,” Hebrew University Landscape Archaeology Conference, Mar, 2017.
R. Homsher, M.J. Adams, Y. Tepper,
“Landscape Survey in the Jezreel Valley: Methods and Preliminary Results,” IAA Northern District Annual Conference, Jan, 2017.
Y. Tepper, J. David, M.J. Adams,
“The Castra of the Roman VIth Legion Ferrata (Legio, Israel): 2015 Season,” ASOR Annual Conference, Nov, 2016.
R. Homsher, M.J. Adams, Y. Tepper,
“A Preliminary Report on the 2015-2016 Regional Survey Conducted by the Jezreel Valley Regional Project,” ASOR Annual Conference, Nov, 2016.
R. Homsher, A. Prins, M. Cradic, and M.J. Adams,
“New Dimensions in Digital Documentation: Tomb 50 of Megiddo,” ASOR Annual Conference: Poster Session, Nov, 2016.
A.B. Prins, M. Ashley, M.J. Adams,
“3D Field Documentation: Millimeter Accuracy at the Locus Level,” AIA Annual Conference: Poster Session, Jan, 2016.
M. Ashley, A. Prins, M.J. Adams, R. Homsher, J. David, N. Kraus, M. Cradic, Y. Teppe,
“Total Paperless Recording of the Legio VI Ferrata camp in the Jezreel Valley, Israel,” AIA Annual Conference: Poster Session, Jan, 2016.
M.J. Adams“Codifi: Total Paperless Recording of the Legio VI Ferrata Camp in the Jezreel Valley, Israel,” EVA / Minerva: XIIth Annual International Conference for Professionals in Cultural Heritage (Van Leer Institute, Jerusalem), Nov, 2015.
M.J. Adams,
“Paperless Archaeology on the Jezreel Valley Regional Project,” Keynote Address, EVA / Minerva: XIIth Annual International Conference for Professionals in Cultural Heritage (Van Leer Institute, Jerusalem), Nov, 2015.
A.B. Prins, M. Ashley, M.J. Adams,
“3D Field Documentation: Millimeter Accuracy at the Locus Level,” ASOR Annual Conference: Poster Session, Nov, 2015.
M. Ashley, A. Prins, M.J. Adams, R. Homsher, J. David, N. Kraus, M. Cradic, Y. Tepper,
“Total Paperless Recording of the Legio VI Ferrata camp in the Jezreel Valley, Israel,” ASOR Annual Conference: Poster Session, Nov, 2015.
A. Prins, S. Steinke, M.J. Adams, Y. Tepper,
“Remote Sensing and Aerial Survey with a Heavy-Duty UAV in the Jezreel Valley, Israel” ASOR Annual Conference, Nov, 2015.
R. Homsher, M.J. Adams,
“Ancient Landscapes of the Jezreel Valley: A preliminary report on environmental study” ASOR Annual Conference, Nov, 2015.
M.J. Adams and M.A. Ashley,
“Archaeological Recording and Cultural Heritage in the Jezreel Valley: Insights from the JVRP Legio Expedition” Milken Innovation Center-Cultural Heritage, Sustainable Economic Models and Cyber-Archaeology Workshop, June 2015.
M.J. Adams, Y. Tepper, M.J. Adams,
“The Castra of the Roman VIth Legion Ferrata (Legio, Israel): Archaeogeophysical Investigations, Remote Sensing, and Excavation, 2010-2014,” ASOR Annual Conference.
R. Homsher, R. Shimelmitz, and B.L. Drake,
"Chipping Away at the Canaanean Blade Industry: A Study of XRF Characterization of Lithics from Tel Megiddo East."
ASOR Annual Conference, November 2014.
A.B. Prins and M.J. Adams,
"Digital Archaeological Fieldwork and the Jezreel Valley Regional Project"
Society for American Archaeology Conference, April 2014
M.J. Adams,
“Architecture and Cult in the Great Temple of Early Bronze Age Megiddo,”
SBL Annual Conference, November 2013
M.J. Adams, J. David, M. Cohen, R. Homsher,
“Recent Research and Excavations of the Jezreel Valley Regional Project”,
ASOR Annual Conference, November 2013
M.J. Adams, J. David, M. Cohen, R. Homsher,
“The Jezreel Valley Regional Project 2012 Excavations at Tel Megiddo East”
ASOR Annual Conference, November 2012
J. Pincus, T. DeSmet, Y. Tepper, M. J. Adams,
“Ground Penetrating Radar and Electromagnetic Archaeogeophysical Investigations at Legio, Israel”
Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems, March 2012
M.J. Adams, J. David, M. Cohen, R. Homsher,
“The Jezreel Valley Regional Project: Survey and Excavations at Tel Megiddo East”
Archaeological Institute of America Annual Conference, January 2012
M.J. Adams, J. David, M. Cohen, R. Homsher, J. Pincus,
“The Jezreel Valley Regional Project 2011 Excavations at Tel Megiddo East”
ASOR Annual Conference, November 2011
M.J. Adams,
“Report on the 2010 Test Season of Excavation at Tel Megiddo East and ‘Ain el-Qubbi”
ASOR Annual Conference, November 2010
M.J. Adams,
“Beyond Tel Megiddo: New Excavations on the Unexplored Eastern Settlement”
Kimmel Center for Archaeological Science at the Weizmann Institute, Seminar Series, June, 2010
Undergraduate Research Program Publication Series
Program coming soon!